What to Know About the Recent Census File Release

August 2, 2017
This updated file has resulted in 20,843 changed tracts. There are now 22,671 LMI tracts as opposed to 21,760.

Unlike previous years, the 2011-2015 ACS Survey base data file has resulted in numerous data changes.

This updated file has resulted in 20,843 changed tracts. There are now 22,671 LMI tracts as opposed to 21,760.



Most of the HMDA/CRA/Redlining analysis on 2017 data using the previous preliminary file could have significant changes.


Geocode your files again and run reports and/or analysis (ASAP!) to find any discrepancies with the updated 2017 census file.

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We are finalizing our comprehensive review of the changes and its impact and will forward our findings soon.


Anurag Agarwal, PhD

President, RiskExec

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