Reg+Tech Magazine Vol. 1 Issue 1

Learn how regtech leverages automated tools and human expertise, online reviews are crowdfunding service changes, and the risk and rewards of AI in compliance.

A Compliance and Technology Magazine

In this inaugural issue, learn how regtech leverages automated tools and human expertise, how online reviews are crowdfunding service changes from banks, and the risk and rewards of AI and machine learning in compliance management.

When we think “FinTech” in financial services, writes Andy Sandler, CEO and Founder of Asurity Technologies, we think automated online solutions that replace bricks and mortar and human interaction. We can open accounts, move, and even invest money without human intervention. “RegTech” is different. RegTech is about deploying human capital regulatory expertise more efficiently.

Key Highlights

  • RegTech Real Talk with Andy Sandler
  • The Power of Social Media in Financial Services
  • The Risks and Rewards of Artificial Intelligence for Lenders
  • Q+A with Lawgix CEO Eric Sonnier
  • This quarter’s regulatory updates

Andy Sandler

Chief Executive Officer & Founder

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