Reg+Tech Magazine Volume 2 Issue 1

From states to banks, the customer is always rightfully protected in this issue of Reg+Tech Magazine.

A Compliance and Technology Magazine

Asurity Technologies and Treliant Senior Advisory Board Member, Ed Kramer, analyzes the changing tide of consumer protection between recent shifts in the control of the U.S. House of Representatives and the impending 2020 Presidential election. He then looks to history to inform readers on how to navigate the regulatory waters ahead.

As Luke Wimer writes, the financial services industry does not exist because of regulations, it exists to serve, with regulations designed to guide process and protect consumers. With 50 million people and 30 million households to think about, Cathy Bessant, Chief Operations and Technology Officer at Bank of America, understands the weight of that responsibility. She explains to Andy Sandler why she’s focused on cultivating a culture of compliance and customer service.

Key Highlights

  • RegTech Real Talk with Luke Wimer
  • The State of Consumer Protection by Ed Kramer
  • Q+A with Cathy Bessant and Andy Sandler
  • Legislative + Regulatory Updates
  • Conferences to Watch

Luke Wimer

Chief Operating Officer

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