RiskExec Release Notes - July 19, 2023

July 19, 2023
RiskExec has recently been updated to include the following enhancements. Dynamic Import Wizard Column Header Row Selection Update The Dynamic Import Wizard has been updated.  The File contains column names checkbox is checked by default. Checking this box means that your uploaded data file contains a row for column header names.  If your uploaded data file does […]

RiskExec has recently been updated to include the following enhancements.

Dynamic Import Wizard

Column Header Row Selection Update

The Dynamic Import Wizard has been updated. 

The File contains column names checkbox is checked by default. Checking this box means that your uploaded data file contains a row for column header names. 

If your uploaded data file does not contain a row for column names (Application Number, Loan Action, etc.), then you will want to un-check that box. 

Then, be sure the first row of data in your uploaded data file is selected in the table. This row of data and the following rows will be imported as data records. Any rows prior to this row will be skipped.

HMDA and CRA Modules

File History Tab: File Part Changes 

The File History tab will now record any changes made to the File Parts in your file.

Chart Labels Update

The chart on the File Summary screen will now display the number of loans for each category when Number of Loans is selected for the X axis.

The chart will also display the total loan amount for each category when Loan Amount is selected for the X axis.

Fair Lending Module

Ability to "Save Model" After Changing Model Name

Users are now able to save any changes they make to their model names and/or the model notes without having to click through the rest of the model setup screens. 

Pricing Regression Dependent Variables

Users are now able to select any numeric field from the Pricing Regression Dependent Variable dropdown menu, including Origination Charges, Total Loan Costs, and other fee-related fields.

Focal Point Analysis: p-Value Update for Difference of Means Tests

The Focal Point analysis results has been updated to display both the t-Stat and the p-Value results for a Difference of Means test, relying on the p-Value to identify areas of statistical significance. The Difference of Means was previously updated to utilize the p-Value as an alternative to the t-Stat when identifying statistical significance. This update aligns the Focal Point report with the latest Difference of Means testing protocols. 

Please Note: For any Focal Point analysis that was run prior to this release, the p-Values will be NA. The test will need to be rerun in order to update the p-Values and the correct statistical significance testing.

HMDA Module

SCIF Fields Update 

The YES code for the Homeownership Education and Housing Counseling fields has been removed and the remaining code descriptions have been updated. 

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