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5 Common Types of Mortgage Fraud & How to Detect Them

Learn about the five most common mortgage fraud types, the red flags to detect and prevent them, and how to report them.

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Digital Transformation in the Mortgage Industry: A Closer Look for Lenders

For more than a decade, innovation in the mortgage industry has lagged behind other sectors being transformed by the fintech revolution. Now the time for change has come. Unless you are Rip Van Winkle, you’ve been inundated by messaging about the ongoing digital transformation, and perhaps worried you are missing the boat. However, an organization […]

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4 Ways the Uniform Residential Loan Application Impacts Lenders

The Uniform Residential Loan Application can be complicated for both the borrower and the lender, especially when it comes to staying up-to-date on the new changes to the application and what they mean. In this blog post, we’ll explore what the Uniform Residential Loan Application is, the recent updates to the application, and what these […]

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When Is a Texas Property a Homestead?

An individual’s homestead may only be encumbered in Texas if it is an encumbrance specifically authorized by the Texas Constitution.

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Election 2020 & The Future of Fair Lending & Fair Servicing Compliance

While neither candidate for president has really focused on housing and fair lending laws during his campaign, no matter who takes office in 2021, the future of housing finance could look quite different over the next few years.

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Fair Servicing Challenges Today

Loan servicers currently operate between a rock and a hard place. Borrowers want high-quality service. Regulators demand that products and services are provided fairly and equitably.

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Fair Lending Compliance in the Time of COVID-19

With COVID-19 still top of mind for most, lenders cannot afford to assume that concerns of fair lending compliance will fade away.

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Fair Lending Lull Not a Cause for Complacency

Lenders should make sure all their fair-lending policies, procedures, and documentation remain fresh, are actively used, and are effective.

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Master The Basics of Redlining, an ABA Special Feature

Insights from President Dr. Anurag Agarwal on how to streamline the redlining analysis process.

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Modernizing The Community Reinvestment Act

Ensuring banks receive full credit for their LMI community work means allowing for context, freedom, and customization in contemporary CRA approach.

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